How does wool improve soil health?
Soil sustains life on our planet. But it is at risk.
Chemical fertilisers are used to produce most of our food but this comes at the cost of degrading our soil. They are made from non-renewable resources, require vast amounts of energy to manufacture and are often harmful to our environment. How is this sustainable in the long term?
Our alternative is to promote healthy soil by using natural products. Wool is a renewable, sustainable and traditional soil enhancer, packed with essential nutrients. Our wool is locally sourced in Oxfordshire and condensed into pellets which are easy to apply, safe to handle and store.

Retains Moisture
The proteins in wool are hydroscopic. The wool pellets act as a sponge absorbing water and locking it away for plants to utilise. The need for watering can be reduced by up to 25%.
Water retention is key to soil health as a well balanced healthy soil should consist of 25% water.

Enhances Soil Quality
Wool pellets are natural, full of essential nutrients and minerals perfect for replenishing tired soils and enhancing composts.
Healthy soils are composed of 45% minerals and 5% organic matter.

Increases Soil Porosity
As the pellets swells they create pore space within the soil making it easier to conduct water, air and nutrients throughout the soil for optimal root growth.
A healthy soil should consist of 25% air space.

Long Acting Fertiliser
Wool pellets act as a slow release fertiliser taking 6-8 months to degrade in the soil. As they do so they release nitrogen, potassium and other essential trace elements which promote plant growth and build soil health.
Wool is naturally low in salts, so there is no risk of burning plants from over application.

Repels Slugs & Snails
Wool has microscopic barbs that irritate the foot of slugs and snails. When placed around the base of a plant and watered the pellets form a mat that will deter slugs and snails without the use of harmful chemicals.