Wool Pellets
Wool pellets can provide many benefits to soil health, including improving water retention, increasing aeration, and providing slow-release nutrients. Find out more about how wool can give your garden the natural boots it needs!

Who we are

A bit about us
We both grew up in the countryside surrounded by sheep. While Eddie worked on farms and studied agriculture at Harper Adams University, Jamie gained experience by working in high end garden centres. This allowed us to bring together our knowledge in specific areas to form Traditional Garden Growers.
We started our business with a vision for a less wasteful, healthier and greener planet where people can grow their own food naturally and support a bio-diverse planet for generations to come.
Our aim is to make it easy for you to avoid the use of chemicals in your garden by using natural and traditional methods to enhance your produce.
Using wool as the base ingredient, we are developing a range of pelleted natural waste for every garden.
Our wool
Our wool has complete traceability because it comes from our own flock as well as neighbouring farms. We know each of the farmers who supply us with wool, ensuring that the wool is sourced from individuals who prioritise the well-being of their sheep and maintain the highest standards of animal care.
How are they made?
Our wool pellets are made in-house by us. We start by shredding the wool then pass it through our mill, which uses heat and pressure to create a soft pellet. Giving you a product that is environmentally friendly and can be easily applied to your garden, saving you time and effort.
Traditional use of wool
For many years, wool has been used as a natural soil enhancer. During the shearing season, high-quality wool was processed to make clothes, carpets, and other products. Meanwhile, farmers would take the lower quality wool (daggings and belly wool) back to their farmhouse veg patches, where it was either composted or added to the soil directly to promote plant growth and retain moisture.